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PLC programming

TIG Automation is your partner for tailor-made control solutions.

The PLC control unit is the core of modern automation solutions, and is thus an essential component of automation technology. In this field, TIG Automation has gained extensive experience with the widest range of products and use cases. For both plant and machine control, we have a team of engineers ready for you, who will also be happy to get to know your existing control systems.

What sets our professional PLC programming apart

  • Careful project management
  • Programming based on documented standard building-blocks
  • Far-reaching generative methods for efficient, bug-free programming
  • Complete interface solutions for various bus systems
  • Development of new special building-blocks for the individual requirements of your plant
  • Intelligent programming with regard to optimised data evaluation with the lowest possible data volume (storage space)
  • Constant further development of our repertoire through BA or MA theses
  • Experience in handling special control systems such as redundant solutions, safety-oriented control and burner control units
  • Extensive comments in the source code to aid later alterations
  • Acquisition of new systems through constant training of our programmers

In the field of control technology and communications, we are a certified solution partner for Siemens products.
TIG Automation GmbH is a certified solution partner with “Specialist” distinction for the SCADA product WinCC by Siemens.